Look at the people walking past them, look at them, listen to the impressions, listen to them. There pathetic, i cant find the words to say how much i would not want to be around these people.
Now look at this, look at the video. See how pathetic they are. How much for a 21 convention? 5k? Look at the 2 minute mark.
Look from the 35 second mark.
I cant watch without cringing
Yeah it would be a waste for someone like you. Be a better investment for you to take some lessons in writing and grammar because your english sucks.
Get a real job you stupid faggat. The day you will become a real man will be the day you STOP scamming people with your pure dogshit and start making an honest living for yourself. Scumbag
What the fuck is the matter with that boy's eyes at the start of that vid?
And yeah, the 2 minute mark... what a fucking dork!