One of Barry's friends sent him some popcorn as a present once. I cant believe when i walked in the front door, when i saw my boyfriend cum on the popcorn, took his clothes off, and ate the popcorn yelling "I hate you Nicholoaus, you came on my popcorn".
LOL I love your rating system, perhaps they should incorporate it into their site? Like stars from one to 10 to rate out of, and it'll show the average HB rating of the show underneath the link to listen
LOL I love your rating system, perhaps they should incorporate it into their site? Like stars from one to 10 to rate out of, and it'll show the average HB rating of the show underneath the link to listen
yea they could talk about the shows rating afterwards. The better the show, the higher the ratings and the more the downloads.
LOL I love your rating system, perhaps they should incorporate it into their site? Like stars from one to 10 to rate out of, and it'll show the average HB rating of the show underneath the link to listen